Video making made simple

Welcome to Selfanimate! To begin with, a little about Selfanimate. It’s an online video making platform that lets you create beautiful, customized videos in minutes. Video making does not have to be expensive, tedious, or time-consuming. With Selfanimate, anyone can be a visual storyteller. We have packed our experience and knowledge into the platform which lets you take charge of the process so that you can unleash your creativity and make a video worth a million hits in a matter of minutes.

So, let’s explore what Selfanimate has to offer.

A Variety of Templates

Selfanimate has a collection of professionally designed video templates which can be customized to the extent of your needs. Just apply your choice of colors, text, images, and music! Templates are divided into two sections – personal and business. Though they are displayed under specific categories, designed and tested by a team of professionals, these templates are built to suit every need and occasion.

Pay Per Use

A pay per use model lets you use a single template without having to purchase any kind of subscription or upgrading to premium. If you’ve tried making videos online before, you probably know what we’re talking about. Video platforms offer free trials and even let you use all of their resources without asking for any payment but after you’ve devoted time and energy into making something you really want to share with others, they ask you to ‘upgrade to premium’ or ‘buy the subscription’ to render your video without their company’s watermark. There goes all your effort down the drain, not to mention the disappointment of it all. But with a pay-per-use model, that can be solved. Just select the template you want and pay only for that one. Your finished video will render without Selfanimate’s watermark.

Endless Customization

If you’ve been thinking that using a template will restrict your creative freedom, think again! We have added customization features for every aspect, so you can truly make the template your own. For example, a house-warming invite template can be used for a pajama party!

Best practice tip: keep your script and storyboard ready before starting the customization process. Going in without a clear idea of how you want each frame to look and the text/photos you want to add, can be confusing and discouraging. Make sure you know exactly what you want in each frame and have fun!

Step by step process

We have created Selfanimate so that we can include everyone in video making. There is no need for any technical knowledge, whatsoever, to make your own videos on Selfanimate. You just have to follow the steps and, soon, you can become a video-making wizard. You can also share your video with people via email using the ‘scheduler’ feature. It lets you choose a date and time for sending it out. So share away!

No software, no plug-ins

Selfanimate works entirely in the browser, so you don’t have to download any software or plug-ins, only awesome videos!

We hope you have a wonderful experience using Selfanimate, as we had creating it. But this is not all, we’re working to introduce even more features and editing powers. Subscribe and stay tuned for updates!

Happy creating!

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