It’s Exam Time – Wish with Good Luck Videos

However well prepared one might be, close to exam time, everything seems inadequate.  Toiling hours of study, peer pressure, stress to perform, some yet unresolved puzzles in lessons, increasing anxiety, together drain energy and morale. The brain will be overdriven. While anxiety is natural, if not kept within limits, this may affect the person’s psyche eventually. During this time, we can pep up the young ones by expressing our concerns genuinely without adding to their anxiety.  Be the support system to vent their anxieties, bring in positive reinforcement and help them stay productive.

Good luck – is what they all would be looking forward to during examination time. Support and a good luck wish from friends and family to do well in exams will enhance performance.  Seeking blessings from the older members of the family and best wishes from friends has been a tradition. These are times when we become very superstitious too. Looking up for lucky pens, lucky props, lucky routes, lucky people to walk across, etc.

It is a strong faith in Hindu mythology that there are angels who always provide for your wishes. This is to caution us to watch what we say, prompting us to choose positive gains and drop the negativity. They are called ‘Tatastu’ (so-be-it) Devatas (Angels). So, be generous in our good wishes. Let all your wishes come true.

Creating a routine is important during exam preparation. Make sure your ward – son, daughter, niece or nephew or the neighbor’s child is using a quiet and well-lit study space. To reduce anxiety, advise them to worry about things that are under control, the focus is essential. Short breaks will help in reviving focus, so make them take frequent short breaks. Feelings of stress can be avoided by talking. Support from family and friends in providing for an appropriate environment can’t be overemphasized.

Irrespective of your position as a parent, grand parent, aunt, uncle or a family friend to the child, your role is important in motivating him or her to do well. All it takes is a minute’s effort to heartily convey your Best Wishes before they appear for exams. They need your motivation and cheering. Your good luck wishes, and encouragement will go a long way in bringing out their best during this very crucial time.

Reinforce your care and concern for their wellbeing and future with a cute, best wishes video that has his or her name on it. Make their day bright with a good luck video wish that they will always remember. Selfanimate, online video maker, has intuitively created Good Luck Wish video templates that you may edit within a couple of minutes and share through digital media, over WhatsApp, email, etc. The smile that blossoms on the child’s face when they see your video wish will be priceless!

Check out the good luck wish video template

Good Luck Template

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